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Leon Day

The lead-up to Christmas seems to come earlier and earlier each year, and this is no more evident than in the celebration of Leon Day. Taking its name from the reverse lettering of "Noel," Leon Day precedes Christmas in July celebrations and takes place exactly a half year before Christmas. The counting down of days before Christmas has been going on for centuries, and it is not known exactly when Leon Day began. It has recently grown in popularity, though, on account of the internet; fans of Christmas often wish each other a "Happy Leon Day" on social media.

The day is marked in a variety of ways, with numerous entities getting into the holiday spirit. Some radio stations play Christmas music on the day, and some radio and television stations release their schedules for the holiday season, even though Christmas is six months away! Retailers sometimes participate by featuring promotions and deals for Christmas items. In some craft stores, fabrics and materials related to Christmas projects begin arriving, and people begin making gifts and decorations for Christmas. Some people celebrate the day just like they would Christmas, with decorations, trees, gifts, Christmas movies, and everything else that would go along with the holiday. Some nonprofit organizations and charities, such as the Salvation Army, also get involved in the day, reminding people that giving is something that should happen year round, not just during the Christmas season.

Not only is the holiday celebrated in the United States, it is quite popular in the Southern Hemisphere as well. Celebrants there are able to celebrate Christmas in winter weather, just as those in the Northern Hemisphere are accustomed to doing.

How to Observe Leon Day

Celebrate the day as you would celebrate Christmas. Exchange gifts, watch a Christmas movie, listen to Christmas music, put up decorations, and go caroling. Go to a craft store and pick up some supplies to make Christmas crafts. As it is Leon Day instead of Noel Day, some use the day to do things backward, and you could too. Wear Christmas clothes backward, or try to write backward. Overall, just make sure you aren't being a grinch, and try to get yourself into the holiday spirit. Christmas is only six months away!

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