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World Egg Day

Since 1996, World Egg Day has celebrated eggs and highlighted their versatility and the benefits they bring to people of all ages. The day has a different theme each year, and celebrations are held in countries all around the world. Eggs are nutrient-rich, being high in protein as well as in 13 vitamins and minerals that the body needs, such as choline, vitamin B12, iron, and iodine. They improve brain function, support physical strength and the immune system, and aid with child development. They have a low environmental footprint, being recognized as a "low impact protein source" by the World Resources Institute. In fact, they are the "most environmentally sustainable and affordable animal-source protein available." They also support many people economically, being an especially important income source for rural populations. Clearly, there are many reasons to celebrate them on World Egg Day!

How to Observe World Egg Day

Celebrate by making an egg dish such as deviled eggs, eggs benedict, scrambled eggs, omelettes, shakshuka, or egg salad. Share a picture of your egg creation or your favorite egg recipe on social media and accompany it with the hashtag #WorldEggDay. Check the day's official webpage for this year's press release, social media toolkit, and full industry toolkit, and for other information about this year's celebration.

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