Global Forgiveness Day
Also known as
National Forgiveness Day
annually on July 7th (since 1994)
Founded by
Christian Embassy of Christ's Ambassadors (CECA)
David Schramm
Conflicts take place on a national scale, locally, between friends, and in our own homes. Offensive words and hurtful actions are impetuously hurled and carried out in the heat of the moment. With these wrongs, there must come some resolution. Instead of continued confrontation, there can be forgiveness. With forgiveness, there can be movement beyond the offense. Although the pain may remain, it gives the offender the opportunity to have a new beginning, and it provides the victim a path to healing. Some good can come of the situation, and malice and thoughts of retribution can recede.
Today is such a day for those new beginnings and for healing. It is Global Forgiveness Day, "a day to give an apology and the day to receive an apology, with all the grief and relief that can go along with that." It was created by the now-dissolved Christian Embassy of Christ's Ambassadors (CECA), which was based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. First celebrated in 1994 or 1995, it was originally known as National Forgiveness Day, but was changed to Global Forgiveness Day to better reflect CECA's "desire to see the message spread beyond national borders." Public events were held in Victoria for a time, and for a long time it was marked on August 27th. Although CECA folded in 2016, the day has continued to be marked by anyone who believes in the power of forgiveness.
How to Observe Global Forgiveness Day
The day is to be observed by forgiving anyone who has wronged you, and by asking for forgiveness from those you have wronged. Receive an apology. Give an apology. Start a new beginning, and get on a path to healing.