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Image for National Kick-Butt Day

National Kick-Butt Day

Taking place on the second Monday in October, National Kick-Butt Day is for kicking ourselves in the butt in order "to take action on goals we've set and not achieved, actions we've committed to and not taken, promises we've made and not kept, excuses we've created that have us stalled and difficulties we've faced and not overcome."

How to Observe National Kick-Butt Day

Celebrate the day by reflecting on goals you've set and on promises you've made to yourself, as well as on excuses you've come up with and difficulties you've faced that have precluded you from accomplishing them. Then it's time to kick yourself in your butt and get moving on the goals and promises that you need to achieve. Perhaps you've been meaning to start exercising, eat healthier, or quit a bad habit. Maybe you've wanted to learn a new instrument, visit a new city, or learn a new language. Whatever it is, kick some butt and get moving!

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