National Bratwurst Day
National Bratwurst Day is dedicated to bratwursts—sometimes simply known as brats—which are sausages made from pork, veal, or beef, that contain sweet spices and seasonings such as nutmeg. They originated in Nuremberg, Germany, in the 14th century, and their name is derived from the German words "braten", meaning "to fry" or "to roast", and "wurst", meaning "sausage". There are over forty varieties of brats made in Germany, and they are many times served on a roll with mustard. They are also quite often accompanied by sauerkraut and potato salad. They were introduced to the United States in the mid-19th century by German immigrants, and have become especially popular in Wisconsin.
How to Observe National Bratwurst Day
National Bratwurst Day should be celebrated by eating brats. If you happen to be in Wisconsin, you could visit Johnsonville, the largest sausage maker by revenue in America. You could also stop at one of these establishments for a brat. If a trip to Wisconsin is not possible, make some of their "beer brats" at home.