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What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day

Thumbs that are opposable can be placed opposite of fingers of the same hand, allowing the grasping and handling of objects. Primates have opposable thumbs, but cats and dogs do not. Today is a day to be thankful that this is the case. Sure, it would be nice if a cat or dog could let themselves outside to use the bathroom, or be able to get their own food, but do you really think they would be responsible in doing these things? And what about all the other mischief they could get into? They would probably be leaving lights on all around the house, eating everything in the fridge, and maybe even trying to steal your car. Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays created the day as a time to be thankful that these are things we never need to worry about.

How to Observe What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day

The day is spent being thankful that your dog or cat isn't going to have free roam to do whatever they want in your house. If you are gone, they aren't going to eat all your pizzas and pop the cork on your best bottle of wine. They aren't going to rearrange your furniture or watch all your movies. This is also a day to appreciate that you do have opposable thumbs, and are able to do those things.

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