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National Oatmeal Day

National Oatmeal Day celebrates oatmeal, which is made from hulled oats called groats. The groats are heated, which gives them a nutty flavor, and then they can be milled, steel-cut, or rolled. Steel-cut oats are thinly sliced with steel blades, and rolled oats are steamed and then rolled into a flat shape. Oatmeal can be eaten uncooked and used in muesli, or it can be cooked with water and be made into a porridge. Oatmeal can also be used in other recipes, such as oatmeal cookies and granola breakfast cereals. The United States produces more oatmeal than any other country, although 93% of the crop is used for animal feed. Still, over 40 million bushels are used for human consumption each year. Quaker Oats Company is the largest oatmeal producer, and was officially formed in 1901, after the merging of various oats companies including the Quaker Mill Company. That company had created Quaker Oats in 1877, which was the first trademarked American cereal. Oatmeal is a very healthy whole grain food that lowers cholesterol and fights inflammation. It also reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Being that it is such a versatile food with so many benefits, it is only natural that it would have its own day!

How to Observe National Oatmeal Day

Celebrate the day by eating oatmeal! There are many recipes you could try, but you could even just have plain oatmeal with water and still be satisfied!

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