National Dog Mom's Day
the day before Mother's Day (since 2018)
Founded by
Dig on April 24th, 2018
Taking place the day before Mother's Day, National Dog Mom's Day celebrates women for their love and devotion to their dogs. It celebrates dog moms, foster dog moms, and future dog moms. By being separate from Mother's Day, it emphasizes "the respect for all moms and their right to showcase the love of their kids—fur or not."
National Dog Mom's Day was created by Dig, "The Dog Person's Dating App," in 2018, at a time when women were having children later in life and in fewer numbers than previous generations. This was also a time when dogs were increasingly becoming a more important part of the family for many. Official National Dog Mom's Day events have been held. For instance, events were held at a food park in New Orleans and at a dog-friendly bar in New York City in 2018. Regardless if there are events to attend or not, the important thing is that dog moms spend the day with their fur babies!
How to Observe National Dog Mom's Day
If you are a dog mom, spend the day with your pup! Give them some extra love by taking them to a dog park, giving them some treats, or getting them a new toy. Perhaps there is a dog-friendly bar in your neighborhood, and maybe they are even participating in the day! If you are in search of a dog dad, you could sign up for Dig. If you are a woman who isn't yet a dog mom but wants to be one, today is an excellent day to adopt. If you are a dog dad, you could buy a gift to give to the special dog mom on behalf of your dog child!