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Chicken Boy's Day

Chicken Boy's Day marks the ceremonial birthday of Chicken Boy, a 22 foot tall fiberglass statue of a boy with a chicken head that holds a bucket of chicken. Chicken Boy first stood atop a fried chicken restaurant of the same name near Los Angeles' Grand Central Market in the 1960's. That's where it resided until 1984, when the restaurant owner died and it came under the possession of an art director, Amy Inouye, who hoped to preserve it. After many years of trying to find it a suitable home, Inouye's Future Studio moved to a location that could support Chicken Boy. It was installed on top of their building in the fall of 2007. Chicken Boy is one of many "Muffler Men" that began towering over America's roadways in the 1960's. Many of these gigantic men held mufflers, giving them their name, but many were also dressed as cowboys, or were made into Paul Bunyans. Both Chicken Boy's old and current locations are on Route 66, as are the locations of a handful of other Muffler Men, including the Gemini Giant. International Fiberglass of Venice, California, made Chicken Boy and the other Muffler Men, but Chicken Boy was customized afterwards to have a chicken head and arms that could hold a bucket. Chicken Boy is known as "The Statue of Liberty of Los Angeles", and his preservers were given the Governor's Preservation Award in 2010, by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

How to Observe Chicken Boy's Day

The best way to celebrate Chicken Boy's Day is to visit him in Los Angeles. If you can't drive to see Chicken Boy, there are many other Muffler Men that may be closer for you to visit, or you can read about them online. This may also be a good day to plan a trip to find other quirky roadside attractions, or to plan a road trip along historic Route 66. You could also celebrate Chicken Boy's birthday by baking a cake with a replica of him standing on the cake, or you could simply eat fried chicken.

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