National Splurge Day
annually on June 18th (since 1994)
Founded by
Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith in 1994
Created by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith and first held in 1994, National Splurge Day initially was designed to splurge on oneself with gifts. Koopersmith placed the holiday in late June because it is a few months after Income Tax Pay Day, when people are likely to have a bit more spending cash in their pocket, and because it is right before summer, when people want to kick back and relax.
But by 2017 Koopersmith believed "individuals over 50 are not able to splurge as excessively as they once did," and thus it was harder for the holiday to be celebrated. But more importantly, she brought up that there were millions of displaced refugees and that many cats and dogs also needed to be adopted. She saw they needed help and decided that the original goal of the day "had run its course" and that there should be "a shift in vision." Instead of splurging on oneself, observers of the holiday are now to help out a refugee or a stray or shelter animal.
How to Observe National Splurge Day
While some still use National Splurge Day to splurge on themselves, by buying lavish gifts or expensive meals, the official objective of the day is to use money to support abandoned animals or refugees. You could adopt an animal or donate to an animal charity or you could support International Rescue Committee or another refugee organization.