Writers' Rights Day
On the first Writers' Rights Day, held on June 9, 1992, writers called for more timely and higher pay, additional pay for subsequent use of their work, and increased copyright protection. About 30 organizations sponsored the day, including the National Writers Union, the Authors Guild, the Published Authors Network, the Romance Writers of America, and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. The organizations claimed that writers were being ignored and abused by publishers.
As part of the day, a rally calling for higher pay and better treatment of writers by publishers was held at Grand Central Station in New York City. The Declaration of Writers' Electronic Rights was signed at the rally. Chapters of the National Writers Union held workshops and demonstrations around the country. Although the official observance of the day appears to only have been in 1992, the day has lived on informally since.
How to Observe Writers' Rights Day
Perhaps the best way to mark the day is to learn more about or join a writers organization like the National Writers Union, the Authors Guild, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, or the Romance Writers of America. Some of these organizations also put out information about writers' rights which could be explored today. For example, the Authors Guild has published The Writer's Legal Guide: An Authors Guild Desk Reference. Supporting your favorite writers is another way you could mark the day.