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Image for National Agriculture Day

National Agriculture Day

Also known as

  • National Ag Day



Founded by


  • Agriculture

  • Food & Drink



National Agriculture Day, also known as National Ag Day, recognizes and celebrates agriculture for the abundance it provides. Food, clothes, and most other items we use on a daily basis are provided by agriculture. In recent years, agriculture has also provided fuel and other bioproducts. National Agriculture Day is part of National Agriculture Week and is conducted by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA), which along with the holiday and week, got its start in 1973.

The contributions of agriculture are recognized on the day by groups like agricultural associations, producers, corporations, government agencies, and universities. The main event is held in Washington, D.C., but just as important are the many local events that are held across the United States. The day encourages Americans to understand how food and fiber products are produced, to value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy, to appreciate the role of agriculture in providing quality products, and to consider career opportunities in industries related to agriculture.

How to Observe National Agriculture Day

The day can be marked by attending an event in your community or the event in Washington, D.C. You could also plan and host your own event. Hosting a breakfast or organizing a field trip to a farm are just one of many things you could do. Event ideas, planning tips to help you organize and prepare, and a timeline and checklist can all be found on the National Agriculture Day website. Many other resources can be found there, such as a toolkit to mobilize volunteers, a media toolkit and social media tools. You could also use the day to call your representatives, share information about agriculture with others, attend webinars, and participate in an essay contest.

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