Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Also known as
National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
the third Wednesday in November (1994 to 2000)
annually on November 15th (since 2001)
Founded by
Food & Drink
Hobbies & Activities
When was the last time you checked to see what was in the back of your refrigerator or at the bottom of its drawers? When was the last time you checked the expiration date of everything in your fridge or opened up and checked the contents of all the containers that are in it? National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day is for doing all these things and more. It's for getting rid of outdated food items to make room for fresh ones, it's for learning how long foods should be kept in refrigerators, and it's for taking everything out of the fridge and cleaning it.
National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day—or simply Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day, as it was more often called at its start—was created by the Whirlpool Corporation and first observed in 1994. Whirlpool placed the holiday in November so that refrigerators would be clean before the holiday season arrived so that outdated ingredients would be thrown out—and wouldn't be used to make holiday meals—and so that room could be made for the leftovers that invariably would follow.
For a time, there was a phone number that could be called where Whirlpool refrigerator experts could be reached, who answered refrigerator cleaning questions. A brochure about cleaning refrigerators could also be requested from Whirlpool. By the early twenty-first century, Whirlpool was no longer actively promoting the holiday. It was also at this time that the day started being observed on November 15th, which it has been observed on since.
How to Observe Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Clean out your refrigerator today!
- Pull everything out of your fridge.
- Throw out expired food and food that is moldy, smelly, otherwise no longer edible, or that you no longer plan to eat.
- Clean your refrigerator, inside and out.
- Make sure your fridge is at the proper temperature.
- Learn how long certain foods last in the refrigerator.
- Learn how to properly store leftovers.