Hooray for Kids Day
Also known as
Hooray for Kids Day!
National Hooray for Kids Day
annually on August 4th
There is much that is gained by aging: wisdom, perspective, patience, a sense of purpose. But with this there usually is a tradeoff: there is something that is lost. Hooray for Kids Day celebrates kids for the unique mindset they have and share with us. For the curiosity and wonder they have about the world, we say "Hooray!" for kids. For the fearlessness they display in times they probably should be afraid, we say "Hooray!" for kids. For the energy that never seems to leave them, we say "Hooray!" for kids. For the excitement they feel for things we no longer get excited about, we say "Hooray!" for kids. For the way they help us feel like kids again, we say "Hooray!" for kids!
How to Observe Hooray for Kids Day
Spend the day with kids! Take them out for ice cream, play a game with them, or take them to a park. Check to see if there are any Hooray for Kids Day events that you could take them to. For example, children's museums sometimes host events. Celebrate kids for being kids and for the unique perspective they bring to the world. Maybe Hooray for Kids Day will help you feel a little bit like a kid yourself!