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Smart is Cool Day

Children who are smart are sometimes made fun of and called nerds. Smart is Cool Day is for changing the perception that those who are smart aren't cool, and for getting people, both young and old, to embrace their smartness. The day celebrates and highlights the importance of intellectual pursuits, knowledge, and education, and is a day to strive to become smarter.

How to Observe Smart is Cool Day

The day should be used to embrace one's smartness, and to continue to strive to become smarter. One important way to gain knowledge is to read a book, so today is a great day to read one. Picking one that gets you thinking on a higher level is appropriate for the day. This may also be a good day to do some exercises for your brain or to take an IQ test. You could also watch a film that deals with intelligent subjects or characters, which may make you smarter as well.

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