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Image for National Raspberry Cake Day

National Raspberry Cake Day

Raspberries are packed with fiber, aiding in digestive health, and are a boon to the immune system. But they don't need to be eaten solely for their nutritional benefits, at least not on National Raspberry Cake Day. It's the perfect time of year for such a day, when raspberries are ripe for the picking. There are many different styles of raspberry cake, providing a cornucopia of ways the day can be enjoyed. A layer, sheet, pound, or Bundt cake, or a cheesecake are just some of the ways a raspberry cake may be prepared. Flavors like lemon, orange, or chocolate may be added in, fresh or frozen raspberries may be used, and the cake may be topped with the likes of ice cream or whipped cream.

How to Observe National Raspberry Cake Day

Bake a raspberry cake! There are many variations of the cake you could try your hand at. You could also pick one up at a bakery or have a piece of raspberry cake at a restaurant.

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