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Twin Peaks Day

"Diane, it's 11:30 a.m., February 24th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks," FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper, played by Kyle MacLachlan, dictates into his tape recorder, as he makes his entrance into the town of Twin Peaks and into the television series of the same name. He's going to the town to investigate the murder of Laura Palmer, the homecoming queen, who mysteriously died earlier the same day. The year is 1989 and the date is February 24—a date that will later become known as Twin Peaks Day.

Twin Peaks was created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. Filled with quirky and eccentric characters, the television series follows Cooper as he assists Sheriff Harry S. Truman to investigate Palmer's murder. Melodrama, horror, surrealism, camp, and comedy are blended together to give it its distinct feel. As with other Lynch works, such as Blue Velvet, the series portrays seemingly quaint small-town life, with something seedier going on under the surface. For example, residents of the town lead double lives, which gets revealed as the series progresses. There is a cinematic quality to the series that wasn't seen on television before it but has since become the norm.

The series is—not surprisingly—set in Twin Peaks, a fictional town in the Pacific Northwest. Some of the filmings took place near Puget Sound in Washington state, with towns like Snoqualmie and North Bend being used for exterior footage. Although the pilot was filmed in Washington, much of the rest of the series was filmed closer to Los Angeles, mainly around the San Fernando Valley.

The original series aired on ABC for two seasons, in 1990 and 1991, and was then canceled. It was at its height of popularity at the end of its first season, and following it received thirteen Emmy nominations. It also won Best TV Series – Drama at the 48th Golden Globe Awards, with Kyle MacLachlan being awarded Best Performance in a Television Series – Drama, and Piper Laurie winning Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV.

There is some consensus that Twin Peak's quality declined during its second season after the identity of Laura Palmer's murderer was revealed. The series suffered lower ratings at the time and was discontinued after its second season. Still, it garnered four Emmy nominations following the season. It has since gained a cult following, which helps explain why it ended up getting its own holiday. In 1992, David Lynch directed a prequel, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. More than 25 years after the original series aired, Showtime aired the third season of Twin Peaks in 2017. It was written and produced by Lynch and Frost, and directed by Lynch.

Fans started marking Twin Peaks Day sometime shortly after the series debuted. Watching Twin Peaks—sometimes marathon-style—and visiting its filming locations are common activities on the day. The holiday appears to have gained traction and first been officially celebrated in 2015, when Welcome to Twin Peaks, a Twin Peaks fan website, began pushing the day online. They organized giveaways, and Twin Peaks fans posted about the day on social media. Kyle MacLachlan even acknowledged the day on Twitter, becoming the first cast member to participate in the day, and essentially making it official. He has acknowledged the day in successive years, making an Instagram post in 2018 and a TikTok video in 2020. Additionally, official proclamations have been made for the day in some of the towns where Twin Peaks was filmed, including Snoqualmie and North Bend.

How to Observe Twin Peaks Day

Some ideas on how you could celebrate Twin Peaks Day are:

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