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Serendipity Day

According to Madeleine Kay, creator of Serendipity Day and author, in her book Living Serendipitously, serendipity is "the willingness to live your life as if everything is a miracle...with the belief that at any moment something wonderful is about to happen." She also says that although people view serendipity as "a happy accident," it's not an accident, it's something that you create and make happen. She also says that serendipity is in everyone: it is rejoicing in the unknown and always expecting the best; it is a power within us to make order out of chaos; it makes possibility out of potential, and makes a reality out of possibility.

Kay says that Serendipity Day "is a celebration of life . . . of you . . . of your aliveness!" Participants are not only to serendipitously celebrate their aliveness but are to invite others to live serendipitously. Participants are to live richly, openly, and succulently, and are to unleash their enthusiasm and make the day extraordinary. The day gives participants the permission to step outside the box, do the unusual, and to embrace the zany, unexpected, unknown, longed for, lingering enchantment of the past, the magical promise of now, and ripeness of the moment. It is a day to feel really alive, to savor life, and to help others do the same.

How to Observe Serendipity Day

Here are some ways you can mark Serendipity Day:

  • Do something unexpected and wonderful such as doing something philanthropic anonymously, taking a big step towards a dream you have, helping someone take the next step towards their dream, acting silly, stepping out of your comfort zone into the unknown, telling those you love that you love them, contacting a long lost friend or lover, making a new friend, or doing a random act of kindness. Not only can you do something you usually don't do, but you can also do something that you usually do in a different way, in order to "experience the thrill of serendipity...the ripeness of the moment."
  • Invite everyone you know to celebrate and live serendipitously.
  • Join the mailing list for the day and receive a free serendipity e-book.
  • Visit the day's Facebook page.
  • Read Living Serendipitously or Serendipitously Rich.
  • Watch the movie Serendipity.

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