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International Lesbian Day

International Lesbian Day celebrates lesbian culture. Mainly celebrated in New Zealand and Australia, the day is marked with lesbian community events. Celebration dances have taken place in Australia, ACON has used the day to launch their Lesbian Health Strategy, and the Australian magazine Lesbians On the Loose has used the date to celebrate their twentieth anniversary.

The exact origin of the holiday is unknown. By some accounts it began in 1980 when a Lesbian Day March was held in New Zealand on March 8, on International Women's Day. Other accounts say the day started in the 1990s.

How to Observe International Lesbian Day

The day is celebrated by lesbians and allies of lesbian rights. Although the day is predominantly celebrated in Australia and New Zealand, you could check to see if any events are taking place in your community, or you could organize your own event. You could use the day to support lesbian rights by donating to groups such as the National Center for Lesbian Rights. The day could also be marked by watching documentaries that focus on lesbianism, and by watching lesbian-themed films.

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