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National Lemonade Day

National Lemonade Day is dedicated to the refreshing summer drink. Lemons and sugarcane are both native to India, so it is likely that the modern drink is derived from a drink Indians drank called nimbu pani. Traditional or cloudy lemonade is popular in the United States, and consists of lemons and a sweetener, usually sugar. Pink lemonade adds flavors such as raspberry, strawberry, or other fruits to the mix, and it is rumored it was invented by a man who accidentally dropped cinnamon candies into his lemonade. Another form of lemonade is clear lemonade, which is popular in the United Kingdom, and it is more like a soft drink. It is many times used with beer to make shandy, and as a base for mixed drinks. While lemonade can be healthy because of its vitamin C content, the high level of sweeteners that are used to make it tends to negate its health benefits.

How to Observe National Lemonade Day

Sit back, relax, and have some lemonade. There are various ways to make your own lemonade, and here is one idea. You could also check around your neighborhood for lemonade stands, as there is a pretty good chance that there will be many set up to celebrate the day. If you have children or grandchildren you could help them set up their own stand. Lemonade Day is a group not directly connected with National Lemonade Day, but they help to get kids involved in starting lemonade stands, with the goal of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and teaching business acumen. This may be a good day to look into getting your community involved with their programs.

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