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Pink Flamingo Day

Pink Flamingo Day is dedicated to the kitschy lawn ornament that became a pop culture icon during the second half of the twentieth century. The pink flamingo was designed by Don Featherstone in 1957, while he was working at Union Products in Leominster, Massachusetts. In 2006, Union Products stopped producing the flamingos, and the following year Leominster's mayor, Dean Mazzaralla, proclaimed June 23, Pink Flamingo Day. The copyright for the flamingos was purchased by HMC International in 2007, and in 2010 it was purchased by Cado manufacturing, which continues to produce the flamingos. Sadly, Mr. Featherstone passed away in 2015, one day before Pink Flamingo Day.

How to Observe Pink Flamingo Day

The day should be celebrated by putting pink flamingos in your yard. If you don't have any, you can buy some here. You can get some fun going in the neighborhood and raise money for a good cause by doing some "flocking". If you don't feel like putting any flamingos in your yard you could just draw some. If all else fails you could watch the John Waters film of the same name. But be careful, this one isn't for everyone.

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