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National Bavarian Crêpes Day

Bavarian crêpes, officially named palatschinke or palacinka (plural palatschinken), and also known as Balkan-style crêpes, Croatian crêpes, Hungarian crêpes, or Serbian crêpes, are enjoyed and celebrated today with National Bavarian Crêpes Day. Bavarian crêpes are common in Central and Eastern Europe. They are made with flour (usually wheat or buckwheat), eggs, milk, salt, and sometimes sugar. They are similar to pancakes, but the batter is runnier because it uses more eggs and less flour than them. As a result, when it is poured into a pan it spreads out more, giving the crêpes their trademark thinness and large diameter—usually 10 to 12 inches—which makes them easier for filling and rolling. Crêpes also remain thin and flat because unlike pancakes they do not have a leavening agent like baking powder or baking soda. Unlike French crêpes, the batter for the Bavarian variety is used right away and is not left to rest before use.

After being cooked, Bavarian crêpes are usually filled and then rolled. Cinnamon and sugar or jams are common fillings. Although they are usually made sweet, they can be made savory. They are often garnished with fresh fruit, fruit sauce, powdered sugar, chocolate sauce, or whipped cream. A secondary reason they are called Bavarian crêpes is because they are often served with Bavarian cream.

How to Observe National Bavarian Crêpes Day

Make some Bavarian crêpes and top them with homemade Bavarian cream! You could also enjoy some Bavarian crêpes at a restaurant.

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