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Curious Events Day

Curious Events Day is a time to be curious, especially about things that can be described as "curious events." These are baffling and unexplained events and occurrences that have taken place or continue to take place all around the world. Some of these things are small and personal, like knowing where all the missing socks go, or finding out why people open their mouth while applying mascara. Some are considered by many to be conspiracy theories, such as if Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster are real. Then there are life's big questions, such as those dealing with how the Earth came into formation, if there is intelligent life beyond it, and what happens when you die. Today we think and learn about, and maybe even try to solve some of these "curious events."

How to Observe Curious Events Day

Celebrate the day by exploring curious events. Contemplate, learn about, and try to solve any that interest you. Here are a few topics to get you started:

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