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National Personal Space Day

National Personal Space Day promotes and supports awareness of personal space boundaries. It provides an opportunity to be aware of a person's need for space or a gentler touch, promotes kindness toward sensitivities, and supports healing and self-protection by recognizing that everyone has the right to decide when and how to be touched.

National Personal Space Day also raises awareness about and encourages the use of the peach symbol. When someone is wearing a peach, it lifts their voice and shares that they want a little extra space. People want space for any number of reasons. They may be grieving, be dealing with crowds, may want to protect themselves from germs or other sensitivities, be healing after surgery, or be recovering from an illness. This means that care should be shown to them in some other way besides a hug or handshake, perhaps by cooking them their favorite meal, running errands for them, or reading them their favorite book.

How to Observe National Personal Space Day

For the Love of Peach, LLC, the organization behind National Personal Space Day, encourages you to share your story related to personal space using the hashtag #PersonalSpaceDay. They suggest sharing your story on the Give Space Facebook page and accompanying it with a picture of you or someone you care about who needs space, using the National Personal Space Day Facebook frame. You could also put the picture up on Instagram or tweet it. For the Love of Peach suggests answering the following questions when sharing your story:

  • Do others intrude on your personal space?
  • Are you or someone you love immunocompromised?
  • Do you suffer from a chronic pain condition, anxiety, or another condition that makes touch painful, or germs harmful?
  • Are you a family bonding with your new wee one?
  • Does someone in your family need a safe space?
  • Are you a caregiver for someone who needs to avoid touch?
  • Are you looking for a way to explain personal space to children?

Some other ways you could take part in the day include:

  • Go to the Give Space website and purchase one of their peach-symboled items for yourself or another.
  • Wear an item with a peach on it, and point to it when you are in need of more personal space.
  • Show care to a loved one from a distance. Cook or bring them their favorite meal, run errands for them, read them their favorite book, or send them a good book and have a phone chat about it after you both finish reading it.
  • Give a copy of What Do I Do With My Hugs to a family with a small child.

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