Married to a Scorpio Support Day
Today we honor those who are married to Scorpios. Scorpios, born between October 23 and November 22, are said to have many positive traits, such as being disciplined, helpful to others, and unfearful. But, there are other traits they are said to have which may make them difficult to be married to. Scorpios are seen as being intense, aggressive when provoked, deeply emotional, and pessimistic. They also tend to not forget things that are done to them, and like alone time, being annoyed if they can't have it. It is likely for these reasons that today's holiday exists.
How to Observe Married to a Scorpio Support Day
Check to see if you have any friends or family members who are married to Scorpios. If so, let them know you support them. If you are married to a Scorpio, let your spouse know about the day, and reach out to others for support. If you are a Scorpio and are married, just be happy that a holiday exists because of you. Try to be a little extra good to your spouse today, okay?