National Roast Pheasant Day
National Roast Pheasant Day is a day dedicated to a dish made from a pheasant, a bird that is native to Asia, was introduced to Europe, and was later brought to the Western Hemisphere. It is from the Phasianidae family of birds, and is also known as the ring-necked pheasant, common pheasant, and English pheasant. The male has bright colors and usually is larger and has a longer tail than the female bird. In America ruffed grouse were originally given the name pheasant, before what we now know as a pheasant arrived sometime in the late 18th century. One person who imported the bird was George Washington, who brought it to Mt. Vernon in 1789. By the 1830's pheasant was common in cookbooks. It is one of the world's most sought after game birds, and is also commercially farmed in many places. It proliferated quickly in America, and is now present in over thirty states. It is the state bird of South Dakota, making it only one of three nonnative birds to be a state bird. The most common way to make it is to roast it, so it makes sense that today would be National Roast Pheasant day and not just National Pheasant Day!
How to Observe National Roast Pheasant Day
Celebrate the day by making a roast pheasant. Frozen or fresh farm raised pheasants can be bought. If you are a hunter this may also be a good day to check when pheasant hunting starts, and think about buying a licence.