Love Your Body Day
on September 25th (1998)
Wednesday of the third full week in September (1999 to 2001)
the third Wednesday in October (2002 to 2006)
on October 18th (2007)
the third Wednesday in October (2008 to 2013)
on October 14th (2014)
the third Wednesday in October (since 2015)
Founded by
The entertainment, cosmetics, fashion, and dieting industries, and media such as television and magazines, pressure young women to achieve an unattainable body image. They objectify and sexualize them, tell them their primary function is to be admired and desired for their looks, and tell them that their body always needs improvement. The beauty criteria imposed upon women and girls are narrow, unrealistic, and sometimes even hazardous to health. Love Your Body Day is for fighting back.
Started by the NOW Foundation in 1998, Love Your Body Day is a day that challenges "the unrealistic beauty standards and gender stereotypes promoted by the media, Hollywood and the fashion, cosmetics and diet industries," and "a day when women of all sizes, colors, ages and abilities come together to celebrate self-acceptance and to promote positive body image." Events that raise awareness about body image and women's health issues are hosted across the United States by NOW advocates and women's advocates. Since 2012, Love Your Body Day has been part of the NOW Foundation's Love Your Body Campaign.
How to Observe Love Your Body Day
- Expose the unrealistic and unhealthy expectations of women from media and other industries.
- Model self-acceptance and love for young children.
- Speak out against negative portrayals of women, and boycott companies that use negative portrayals and images of women in advertising.
- Educate each other about what being healthy really means.
- Enter this year's Love Your Body poster contest.
- View Love Your Body posters from previous years.
- Explore "Tools for Teachers" on the Love Your Body Campaign webpage for ideas on how to celebrate in the classroom.
- Explore "Campus Activities" on the Love Your Body Campaign webpage for ideas on how to celebrate on campus.
- Find additional information on the Love Your Body Campaign webpage.
- Donate to NOW.