National Fresh Spinach Day
annually on July 16th
Food & Drink
Fruits & Vegetables
Plants & Flowers
The leafy green spinach plant is eaten fresh today. Native to Asia, spinach was brought to the Americas by the Spanish. There is both prickly seeded and smooth-seeded spinach, the former being the most common in the United States. Spinach is a superfood, known to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. It also helps build muscle and may help slow cognitive decline. Spinach is high in iron and is a good source of protein and calcium. It also is high in vitamins and minerals, particularly in vitamins C, K, and A. It is almost all water, and is low in calories and carbohydrates. On National Fresh Spinach Day, it can be eaten fresh in salads and blended in smoothies. If spinach is used to cook today, it should not come from a can and should not be frozen. It should be fresh!
How to Observe National Fresh Spinach Day
Celebrate the day by eating fresh spinach! Have it in a salad or blend it in a smoothie. There are many recipes you could try. Just make sure not to eat any spinach from a can or any spinach that has been frozen!