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National Apple Turnover Day

Pastries stuffed with apples, known as apple turnovers, are baked or pan-fried and eaten today. Turnovers have been around since the mid to late eighteenth century. The filling in apple turnovers is similar to that of apple pie. Tart apples like Granny Smith are usually used in the recipe, as are spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. The turnover crust is similar to short dough or pastry puff dough and is folded over to seal the pastry. Apple turnovers can last about four days without being frozen, and about six months in the freezer. But it's likely there won't be any leftovers today—it's National Apple Turnover Day!

How to Observe National Apple Turnover Day

Enjoy some apple turnovers! Make your own, buy them from a bakery, or eat them in a restaurant!

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