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National Whiner's Day

Coming the day after Christmas, some may think that National Whiner's Day was created so that people can whine about the presents they didn't receive. But that is not the case at all! National Whiner's Day was created by Kevin Zaborney in 1986, "to encourage gratefulness for what we have rather than what we do not." It is not a day to whine, but a day to be thankful for all that is good in our lives. Zaborney also created National Hugging Day, because he believes there are far too many whiners these days, and not enough huggers.

How to Observe National Whiner's Day

The day is best celebrated by expressing gratefulness for everything you have, whether it be health, security, love, or an awesome new Christmas present. Zaborney also suggests a few other ways to celebrate the day:

  • Go to a store and observe whiner's returning their holiday gifts.
  • Invite people over for a "whine and geeze" party where non-alcoholic wine and cheese are served; have them bring over a gift they want to whine about, that can be used in a white elephant gift exchange; or hold a whining contest.

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