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Image for International Day of the Female Orgasm

child_friendly International Day of the Female Orgasm

International Day of the Female Orgasm was established in Esperantina, a town in northeast Brazil, by Arimateio Dantas, a city official. He created a day for the female orgasm because he owed a "sexual debt" to his wife. The day is dedicated to the right of females to experience orgasms. About one in three women don't reach orgasm during sex, and most women can't achieve orgasm through vaginal sex alone. The day is also for raising awareness about female sexuality and bodies in general—about the right to discuss sex and to learn about the female orgasm. The day has become one of the most popular holidays in Brazil and has become popular around the world as well.

How to Observe International Day of the Female Orgasm

With all sexual activities today, the focus should be on making sure females reach orgasm. The day should also be celebrated by learning about female sexuality and orgasms. There are many books that have been written about the subject that could be read.

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