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International Geocaching Day

This day is dedicated to geocaching, an outdoor activity where participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) device to locate a "cache", which is a small waterproof container that usually contains a logbook and a pencil, and may contain many other things. Geocaching is based on the earlier game of letterboxing, where clues lead players from one box to another. The first placement of a cache was May 3, 2000, the day after Selective Availability was turned off. Selective Availability was meant to thwart enemies' use of precision weaponry, and it made it impossible to know the exact location of something using GPS, giving a reading fifty to one hundred meters off the location. As new capabilities were developed, Selective Availability could be abandoned. This made it possible for civilians to give and find more accurate coordinates. After finding a geocache, finders typically sign the logbook, and it is imperative that the cache is return to the exact same spot it was found, so that someone else can play. Sometimes finders leave something of their own in the box to show they have been there, or they take something else of similar value. There are many variations and types of geocaching.

How to Observe International Geocaching Day

You have to get out of your house or apartment and experience geocaching firsthand! You can sign up here to start leaving and finds caches.

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