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Apple Cider Day

In the United States, apple cider—also called soft cider or cider—is an unsweetened, non-alcoholic drink made from liquid extracted from apples that is boiled to concentration. Sometimes pasteurized, but not always, apple cider is unfiltered, and thus usually cloudier and tangier than apple juice, which is filtered to remove solids. Apple cider is often made from a mix of apple varieties, and it takes around 36 apples or 16 pounds of apples to make a gallon of it.

Apple cider is especially favored during autumn—when Apple Cider Day takes place—and is regularly drank during the colder-month holidays of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. It can be heated and mulled or be used in cocktails and food recipes. In much of the world, the alcoholic drink made with fermented apples is called apple cider, but it is known as hard cider in the United States. Apple Cider Day, which is held today, is largely concerned with non-alcoholic cider, but hard cider can also be celebrated.

How to Observe Apple Cider Day

Enjoy everything apple cider today! Get started with some of the following ideas:

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