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Gruntled Workers Day

So often we read or hear about disgruntled workers who are unsatisfied or not content with their jobs. Today's holiday, created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, is for all gruntled workers—those who are satisfied or content with their jobs—to unite and demonstrate how happy they are. The creators of the holiday suggest that gruntled workers should go to a fast food restaurant together, order food, and say, "Thanks, your service is fast. Have a nice day." This is possibly because many workers at fast food restaurants are seen as being disgruntled, and they may need a little cheering up.

How to Observe Gruntled Workers Day

Today's holiday was made for all those who are content or satisfied with their jobs. If you are a gruntled worker, get together with other gruntled workers, and share what you like about your job. If you are currently a disgruntled worker, try to look for the things you do like about your job. But, if you are very disgruntled, perhaps it is time to start looking for a new job.

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