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National I Want Butterscotch Day

Today we celebrate butterscotch, which is a confection made of butter and brown sugar. Butterscotch may also refer to a flavor made with similar ingredients. When made into a confection, other ingredients like lemon juice, cream, corn syrup, vanilla, salt, and water are added to the butter and brown sugar, and it is boiled to between 270°F to 289°F, which is the "soft crack" stage. It is similar to caramel, but caramel usually uses white sugar and does not have butter. It is also similar to toffee, but toffee is boiled longer so it reaches a higher temperature, and also does not usually have butter. Butterscotch flavor is used in butterscotch topping or sauce, which is used on sundaes and pound cakes. The flavor is also used in fudge, brownies, icings, pudding, and cookies.

It is not known what butterscotch's connection to Scotland is, if any. The name may come from the act of scotching. By some accounts, it was invented by Samuel Parkinson in 1817 in Doncaster, England, who went on to supply it to the British royal family. An early recipe to make butterscotch confections appears in an 1848 issue of Liverpool Mercury, where butter, sugar, and treacle are boiled together.

How to Observe National I Want Butterscotch Day

Celebrate the day eating butterscotch confections or something else with butterscotch flavoring. Put butterscotch syrup on a sundae, or make butterscotch pudding, fudge or cookies!

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