International Homeless Animals' Day
the third Saturday in August (since 1992)
Founded by
International Homeless Animals' Day was started by the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) to raise awareness for the pet overpopulation epidemic. Events for the day have taken places in all fifty states and D.C., and in over fifty states on six continents. Pet overpopulation and the lack of enough homes for pets to live in has led to the killing of animals. The ultimate goal of stopping overpopulation is to stop the killing. Therefore, one of the main focuses of events is on the spraying and neutering of animals. Pet adoption is another big focus of the day. Events also many times include dog walks, candlelight vigils, and speakers.
How to Observe International Homeless Animals' Day
Check to see if there are any events in your area. Besides domestic events, there are many international events as well. If you would like to plan your own event, you can contact the ISAR for a planning packet. If you can't make it to an event, this may be a good day to adopt an animal, and to read about spraying or neutering your pet.