National Sticker Day
annually on January 13th (since 2016)
Founded by
StickerGiant on November 10th, 2015
National Sticker Day was created by StickerGiant as a tribute to stickers and in honor of Ray Stanton Avery, who was born on today's date in 1907, and who created the first commercially available self-adhesive label in 1935, the Kum-Kleen Price Sticker. His company was originally called Kum-Kleen Products and was then called Avery Adhesives. It eventually became the Avery Dennison Corporation, which is still in operation today.
Labels were first stuck to products in the 1880s, by European merchants who were promoting their goods to those passing by. A gum paste allowed them to stick, and they may be seen as the first stickers. By the 1900s, a paste specifically for stickers had been made; it was particularly used on stamps at the time. With Avery's Kum-Kleen Price Stickers, the era of stickers truly began.
A sticker can be any type of label made with materials such as plastic, vinyl, or printed paper, that has a pressure-sensitive material on one side. They can be made into any number of sizes, shapes, designs, and colors, and can fulfill both decorative and functional purposes. Stickers may identify something about an object that wouldn't easily be noticed otherwise, they may identify the brand of a product, they may be given out for promotion of political candidates or musical artists, they may be given to someone to indicate they voted, and they may be used as name tags, among other things. Some items they are commonly put on include car bumpers, lunchboxes, guitars, instrument cases, windows, lockers, notebooks, paper, and clothing.
Ray Stanton Avery died on December 12, 1997. The holiday celebrating him and the item he helped bring to the public was first celebrated in 2016. On that day, StickerGiant set the Guinness World Record for the Largest ball of stickers, with a sticker ball that weighed 231.6 pounds and was 8.8 feet in circumference.
How to Observe National Sticker Day
Celebrate the day with stickers! Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Buy stickers that are of your favorite products or musical artists.
- Order your own custom-made stickers. There are many places online that you could order from.
- Put a bumper sticker on your car.
- Put a sticker on a guitar, on an instrument case, on a locker, or on a window.
- Make a sticker collage on paper.
- Wear a nametag.
- Make a sticker ball.
- Start a sticker collection.