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National Strawberry Cream Pie Day

This day is dedicated to strawberry cream pie, a strawberry pie that is usually made with a filling of cream cheese, custard, or whipped cream. Crusts range from being sweet to savory, the strawberries can be whole or whipped in a mousse, and there are a range of toppings. Strawberries have been popular for thousands of years, but no one really started to cultivate them until the Renaissance in Europe. In the Americas, there were a few types of strawberries, including the "native American strawberry", also known as the "Virginia strawberry", which was sent back to Europe in the early 17th century. Native Americans ate strawberries, made them into bread, and had festivals at their harvest. But, it was not until the early 19th century when strawberries were cultivated in the Americas. They became a luxury of sorts, especially when served with cream! By the 1880's, 100 thousand acres of strawberries were under cultivation, and refrigerated rail cars helped transport them across the country.

How to Observe National Strawberry Cream Pie Day

The day should be celebrated by eating strawberry cream pie! Buy some at a store or restaurant, or make your own. There are so many varieties you could try.

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