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Let's Laugh Day

What a sad place the world would be without laughter, and what a sorrowful day it is when someone goes the whole day without one little giggle. Well, today fixes that. It's Let's Laugh Day. It's a day to get rid of some daily stress with some good belly laughs. These are not teensy weensy laughs, but ginormous laughs that get everyone laughing together.

You may laugh, but there really are a lot of short term and long term benefits of laughter. Laughter increases the intake of air, stimulates organs, releases endorphins in the brain, and improves mood. Laughter loosens up muscles, lowers blood pressure, and leaves one feeling relaxed. In the long term, laughter can improve the immune system, fight illness, pain, and depression. On top of all this, laughing burns calories!

How to Observe Let's Laugh Day

There are a lot of ways to get your guffaw on! You could share jokes with friends, read a funny novel until you just can't hold back the laughs, listen to a comedy album, or go to a comedy show. You could also watch a funny television show, or watch one of the funniest films of all time. No matter what you do, just make sure it gets you laughing!

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