Dress Like a Dork Day
annually on October 19th
Clothing & Fashion
Hobbies & Activities
Weird & Obscure
Dorks are social misfits, similar to nerds or geeks, who are out-of-touch, which leads to them looking or acting odd around others. Maybe you were a dork when you were growing up, or maybe you were one of the meanies who beat them up. Nonetheless, today is a day to dress like a dork.
How to Observe Dress Like a Dork Day
Celebrate the day by dressing like a dork. Here are some ideas of clothes and accouterments that will make you look super dorky:
- Plaid polyester pants.
- Pants that are too short.
- Shirts that are too long, too short, too big, or too small, or wearing a shirt tucked in.
- Suspenders.
- Fanny packs.
- White knee socks, mismatched argyle socks, or individual toe socks.
- A dickey.
- Huge rimmed glasses, possibly with tape on them.
- Slicked back hair.
- Clothes with layers of ruffles.
- Clothes that specifically say "dork" on them.
- Overly shiny clothes or clothes with seasonal decorations all over them.
- Wearing sandals with socks.
Here are some television or film characters that dress like, or are, nerds. You could try to dress like them today as well:
- Rick Moranis in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.
- Steve Urkel from Family Matters.
- Dwight Schrute from The Office.
- Anthony Michael Hall and Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, and The Breakfast Club.
- Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in Annie Hall.
- George Michael Bluth in Arrested Development.
- Steve Carell in The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
- Crispin Glover in Back to the Future.
- Robert Carradine and Anthony Edwards in the Revenge of the Nerds.