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International Rescue Cat Day

International Rescue Cat Day celebrates and raises awareness for rescue cats, as well as for the shelters and centers they come from. Founded by Yorkshire Cat Rescue, it takes place during International Rescue Cat Awareness Month. More people get their cats from shelters than from anywhere else. In the United States, over three million cats enter shelters every year, and over two million are adopted. Many cats end up in shelters because their owners move to new housing where cats aren't allowed. Cats also end up in shelters because they are strays or because of behavior issues.

An adoption fee needs to be paid to adopt a cat, and oftentimes an application about one's experience with pets needs to be filled out and some references attesting to one's capability of caring for a cat may need to be given. The average lifespan of a cat is 12 to 15 years, and some live to be 20, so adopting a cat is a long-term commitment and International Rescue Cat Day should be celebrated with care.

How to Observe International Rescue Cat Day

Some ways to take part in the day include:

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