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Image for National Brown-Bag-It Day

National Brown-Bag-It Day

Does your work or school cafeteria have healthy, satisfying lunches? Are they reasonably priced? On National Brown-Bag-It Day it's easy to make sure your lunch is both nutritious and cheap. Although brown bags might look plain, there are so many healthy meals that can be kept inside of them. Salads, fresh fruit and vegetables, sandwiches with lean meat and veggies on whole wheat bread, pita wraps, nuts, and dark chocolate are just some of the foods that can be packed into a brown bag to make a nutritious meal.

How to Observe National Brown-Bag-It Day

Celebrate the day by brown-bagging it. The contents of your bag don't need to be as boring as a peanut butter sandwich and carrots—unless you want them to be—there are many healthy sandwiches and salads you could make and pack in your brown paper bag. Today also happens to be National Wine Day, which may present a secondary way to brown bag it.

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