June Bug Day
Fittingly, June Bug Day takes place in June. This is the month when June Bugs, a member of the Phyllophaga genus, which consists of over 260 species of New World scarab beetles, tend to be most visibly active. This is because they emerge from the ground this time of year and search for food and a mate. They may have been in the ground as larvae for up to three years. Adults are about an inch or a little less in length, have a hard black or brown casing, as well as wings. During the day they hide in trees, but at night they tend to swarm and are strongly attracted to light. This is also when they do their feeding, which mainly consists of trees and bushes.
How to Observe June Bug Day
The best way to celebrate June Bug Day is to go outside at night and turn on an outside light. It's highly likely that a group of June Bugs will start swarming around the light. You could just bask in this wonder, but if you have a pet lizard or toad, you may want to give them a special treat for a meal, a June Bug.