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No Dirty Dishes Day

Every day it's the same old thing. Take some dishes out of the cupboard. Dirty the dishes. Wash the dishes. Dry the dishes. Put the dishes back in the cupboard. On No Dirty Dishes Day, this senseless madness is put to a stop. No dishes are dirtied, and no dirty dishes are washed. How can this be achieved? Some people eat all their meals at restaurants today. Others use disposable dishes and silverware. Still others only eat foods that come prepackaged or without packaging and can be eaten without utensils. There are some souls who believe the day is for washing all the leftover dirty dishes in the sink or for eating on dishes and not washing them, but most believe it is a day to avoid dishes altogether.

How to Observe No Dirty Dishes Day

Don't even think about opening that cupboard door to pull out a cup or plate. You are not dirtying any dishes today! "But I need to eat something!" you say. Well, you can eat all your meals at restaurants, eat all your meals on disposable dishes, or only eat foods that come prepackaged or without packaging and don't need utensils. Now look at all your clean dishes! Don't they make you smile?

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