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National Banana Cream Pie Day

Today we enjoy the banana cream pie! The pie gets its name from the layer of sliced bananas used to make it, which sit atop a custard or pudding filling, commonly made with eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla, cream, or flour. On the bottom, its crust is made with graham crackers, crumbled cookies, or pastry dough. A "black bottom" banana cream pie also has chocolate at the bottom of it. Banana cream pies do not have a top crust but are topped with a layer of whipped cream or meringue, sometimes along with pecans, chocolate drizzle, or caramel drizzle. Bananas weren't readily available in the United States until the end of the nineteenth century, and the pie became popular after that. In a 1951 survey of the United States Armed Forces, soldiers ranked banana cream pie as their favorite dessert.

How to Observe National Banana Cream Pie Day

Celebrate the day by eating or making banana cream pie! Make it at home or pick some up at a restaurant or bakery.

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