National Beach Day
annually on August 30th (since 2014)
Founded by
Colleen Paige in 2014
Fun & Games
Hobbies & Activities
National Beach Day was created to celebrate the beach, and to encourage the cleaning up of beaches worldwide, in order to save the lives of ocean mammals and sea birds. Every day, animals are killed by fishing line, plastic, cans, oil spills, and other trash. The day was created in 2014 by Colleen Paige, creator of other days such as National Dog Day.
How to Observe National Beach Day
Celebrate the day by going to the beach! It doesn't matter if it is a beach at an ocean or at a lake. Go out for a swim or simply lay on a beach towel in the sand. Have a party or picnic, or take photographs of the wildlife, sand, and water. Besides relaxing at the beach, the day is best spent by cleaning up garbage and debris, so that the beach looks cleaner and animals are safer. If you are looking for a soundtrack to the day, the Beach Boys should suffice.