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Image for Kick a Ginger Day

child_friendly Kick a Ginger Day

National Kick a Ginger Day was inspired by a 2005 episode of South Park called "Ginger Kids." The episode highlights prejudices, and near its beginning, Cartman presents a speech to his class and says red-haired people—or gingers—don't have souls. This causes gingers in the school to be discriminated against. The holiday appears to have been started in 2008 as a joke. At one time there was a Facebook page dedicated to the day, but it no longer appears to exist. Some gingers have gotten really mad about the day, and justifiably so, as some students have been kicked and hurt on the day. Since the day's inception, bullying incidents have happened in the United States, Canada, and England. International Kiss a Ginger Day was created in response to the holiday.

How to Observe Kick a Ginger Day

As much as you may be tempted to, the day is intended to be a joke, and you really shouldn't kick anyone. The day would much better be spent working to build greater acceptance of others. If you have children, particularly of middle school age, you could have a discussion with them about bullying and stereotyping. The day could also be used to embrace who you are. Other ways to celebrate the day could include watching "Ginger Kids"—the South Park episode that inspired the day, or by learning some facts about redheads.

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