World Orphans Day
the second Monday in November (since 2006)
Founded by
Cheryl Robeson Piggott in 2006
Awareness & Advocacy
There are more than 150 million orphans worldwide, often becoming so because of the effects of war, famine, natural disasters, and AIDS. World Orphan Day, created by The Stars Foundation and its founder Cheryl Robeson Piggott, raises awareness about children who are orphaned and displaced around the world, with the goal of strengthening humanitarian aid towards them. Organizations, groups, and individuals are asked to observe the day. It is promoted around the world—being celebrated in more than 50 countries—events are held, and money is raised.
Orphans face poverty and hunger, and 99% of orphans are never adopted. Most orphans see hunger as their biggest obstacle, and 60 million children face it on a daily basis. Each year, 400,000 orphans die from malnutrition. In Africa, homeless and starvation is caused by war, famine, and AIDS. Over two million children in Africa become orphans each year, and there are currently more than 53 million orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa.
How to Observe World Orphans Day
One of the best ways to celebrate the day may be to become involved in an event to raise money for orphans. Work to create your own event, help other groups or organizations with their events, or simply attend an event. Common past events have included campus rallies, prayer vigils, runs, walks, bike rides, and concerts. The money could be given to a nonprofit group that helps orphans. The Stars Foundation, the creators of the day, have suggested that the money should stay in the community where it is raised, to help children there. You could also donate directly to The Stars Foundation, or to a nonprofit that helps children, such as the Miracle Foundation.