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Image for Upsy Daisy Day

Upsy Daisy Day

When someone falls, bumps into something, or knocks something over, there's a good chance they'll utter an "upsy-daisy." But Upsy Daisy Day is not about dwelling on the negative. Rather, it is "a day to remind people to get up gloriously, gratefully, and gleefully each morning." With this type of start to one's day, they can stay positive no matter how many "upsy-daisies" come their way.

How to Observe Upsy Daisy Day

Start your day gloriously, gratefully, and gleefully! Get up with a positive attitude and the rest of your day will surely turn out the way you want it to! Being grateful has many benefits, so no matter how many upsy-daisies you have today, you'll still land right-side up.

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