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National Women's Check-Up Day

Women focus on their personal health on National Women's Check-Up Day. They talk to their health care providers about their health concerns, get check-ups, and work to reduce their health risks throughout the coming year. Getting a check-up gives women the opportunity to become aware of changes in their bodies and to find health problems early when they can still be treated. Different health risks and issues need to be addressed at different life stages. Checking blood pressure and cholesterol levels, screening for colorectal cancer and lung cancer, and getting a mammogram and Pap test are health screenings that women do throughout their lives, and may be done on National Women's Check-Up Day. The day takes place on the second Monday of May, during National Women's Health Week, and was created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

How to Observe National Women's Check-Up Day

If you are a woman, it is the perfect day to talk to your doctor or doctors about any health concerns you have, to get a check-up, and to plan for a healthy year ahead. Perhaps your health insurance plan includes a free annual check-up. You could use the day to get some other health screenings beyond your usual check-up, such as a mammogram or Pap test. If you are not a woman, you could let the women in your life know about the holiday and encourage them to get a check-up.

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